Great for field biologist |
March 12, 2018 |
I. Engilis from Davis, CA
As a biologist I've used my chest harness in the tropics doing bioinventory work in Papua New Guinea and Cambodia. I love the lightweight design and open back harness. No more hot sweaty backpacks on short survey walks. I've also used it throughout the USA for similar work. It holds my GPS, cell phone, 7.5"x5" hardback notebook, pens/pencils/small ruler, flashlight, small external speaker, surveyors flagging roll, compass, granola bar and chapstick! It does not impede while shooting shot guns or rifles. With all my gear on my front side, and with the super cool drop desk feature I can quickly access all my tools and take notes without taking off a back pack and sitting down. And when you are working in areas with land leaches, that is a really nice feature. I love this chest pack.
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